It’s common to hit a plateau with fitness progress and think the issue lies in your gym routine.
Maybe you’re doing the wrong exercises, or perhaps the right ones in the wrong order.
Too much cardio, not enough strength training, or maybe you’re overtraining.
While these might be factors, they’re rarely the main issue.
Remember, there are 168 hours in a week, and spending three of them in the gym is a win for most of us.
If you’re not seeing the progress you want, it might be time to examine the “Other 165” hours.
How’s your diet? Are you eating plenty of colorful veggies and lean proteins, or is it more burgers, fries, and pizza?
What about your sleep? Are you closer to 8 hours a night, or is it more like 4?
How’s your stress level? Do you feel in control of your time, or like you’re constantly racing against the clock?
How do you manage stress? With healthy habits like yoga, meditation, and walks outside, or with late nights and alcohol?
If you’re not getting the results you want, it’s probably not about too many lower body exercises last week.
It’s likely about what happens during the “Other 165.”
Choose one area to focus on this week, work on improving it, and keep track. Chances are, you’ll start feeling better and see improvements in the gym.