What to do when your back hurts

Back pain is common … but I don’t have to tell you, right?

About 80% of adults will experience it at some point, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. For those over 50, the chances are even higher.

Many people stop exercising because of back pain. Others avoid starting a fitness program altogether.

The idea that exercise will worsen back or joint pain is a myth. It’s frustrating to hear this misconception.

Of course, jumping from the couch into intense training with an achy back isn’t smart. That’s not what I’m suggesting.

Instead, consider having a qualified trainer evaluate your movement and flexibility. They can design a personalized program to increase your strength and improve flexibility.

This approach is far better than the extremes: doing too much or doing nothing at all.

Don’t let back pain keep you from being active. With the right guidance, exercise can actually help manage and reduce pain.