Many people think endless stretching will make them more flexible. This isn’t always true.
Stretching has its place. It’s best after a training session, as part of a proper cooldown. It helps lengthen muscles and start recovery. It also calms your nervous system.
Before training, stretching isn’t ideal. Instead, warm up with movements similar to your workout. For squats, try bodyweight squats. For deadlifts, do good mornings or banded hinges.
If a muscle feels stiff, stretching alone won’t fix it long-term. It might help temporarily, but that’s it.
Why? Tightness often means weakness. What if you have trouble squatting due to weak hip flexors? Stretching won’t solve this. Strengthening will.
Tight ankles ruining your squat? Mobility exercises give quick relief. But for lasting change, strengthen your calves and Achilles tendon too.
Remember: Stretching can help with flexibility. But it’s not the whole answer. Strengthening is key to beating tightness.