Let’s talk about an exercise that could be a game-changer for your health and longevity: farmer carries.
You might have seen people walking around the gym carrying heavy weights. That’s not just for show. It’s a powerful exercise with incredible benefits.
Longevity expert Dr. Peter Attia swears by farmer carries, and so do I. Here’s why:
1. Full-body workout: Farmer carries engage almost every muscle in your body. Your core, legs, back, and arms all work together.
2. Functional strength: This exercise mimics real-life activities like carrying groceries or luggage. It’s strength you can use every day.
3. Improved grip strength: A strong grip is linked to longevity. Farmer carries build grip strength like few other exercises.
4. Better posture: Carrying heavy weights forces you to maintain good posture, which carries over to daily life.
5. Cardiovascular benefits: It’s not just strength. Farmer carries get your heart pumping too.
So, how much should you be able to carry?
For men:
– Aim to carry your bodyweight (split between two hands) for 1 minute
– Example: A 180-pound man should carry 90 pounds in each hand
For women:
– Aim for 75% of your bodyweight for 1 minute
– Example: A 160-pound woman should carry about 60 pounds in each hand
Remember, these are targets to work towards, not starting points. Begin with a weight you can carry safely for 30 seconds and gradually increase.
The key is consistency. Start incorporating farmer carries into your routine 2-3 times a week.
Don’t have heavy weights? Start with water jugs or loaded backpacks. The important thing is to begin.