How many times have you told yourself that you’re going to start or get back on track with your exercise routine … but didn’t do it?
How many times have you told yourself that you’re going to start or get back on track with healthier nutrition choices … but didn’t do it?
I’ve got some tough love coming your way today, and it comes from renowned success coach Carrie Wilkerson, who participated in a recent Mastermind for fitness business owners like me.
And I don’t mind sharing this with you, even though it might sting a little.
Because it stung me when I heard it …
Are you a person of integrity?
Most of us would say, “Yes, I am.”
Then stop lying to yourself.
Stop disappointing yourself.
Stop avoiding the things you know you need to do.
Here is what Coach Carrie had to say about all of that: “When you start keeping promises to yourself, the change in your life will be immeasurable.”
No more broken promises, OK?
Start doing what you say you’re going to do, and everything changes for the better.